Youtube Contact

"Finn, more likely known as mashed8 does a professional Job when it comes to Gaming related cinematics and distributing Information/News. His Videos are produced on a high quality level which makes him stand out compared to other people in this Area."

Stefan Rech Community Manager , Germany

"Mashed8 has combined his amazing in-game cinematography with a masterful understanding of manipulating render engines to make his work shine in a way that no other youtuber has been able to achieve. Simply put, Mashed8 has set the visual quality standard that all other youtubers strive to match."

LevelCapGaming , USA

"Finn is an excellent and professional producer. Whether it is distribution of gaming news in a entertainment video format; or cinematics creations, you can expect that the quality will be of the upmost standard. Despite the saturated gaming community on YouTube, Finn still manages to stand out in the crowd. I am very proud to have worked with Finn."

Thomas Morgan Owner of Hazard Cinema , United Kingdom

"Nice Job, was awesome! :)" (Battlefield 3 Three)

Robert Stoneman , United Kingdom